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Monday 30 March 2020

Media and Mental Health with respect to Pandemic

Date: 29/03/2020
*Media and Mental Health with respect to the Pandemic*
It is the era media and information technology. Information has never been more easily accessible. Whatever anyone wants to know, it is just a tap away. We have access to varied forms of media that juts out ‘facts’ by the millions every second of the day. It is without a doubt the powerful tool that drives human growth and development. At very corner of the word, the human race is looking up at media, of every kind for daily updates on Covid-19.
How much of a role does the media play? 
 Media affects our feelings, thoughts and behaviour, which invariably influences how we learn, grow and develop as an individual. most of our today’s decision making process is influenced through media.  This understanding is important to identify the changes that media can elicit within us during the pandemic. Although, the question remains whether the information that we see and hear is factual or not. 
More than the virus, the news articles and social media feeds garner attention and leads us to a state of panic and anxiety which can affect our mental health. Fear is increased exponentially when people consume the wrong information. It can even trigger health conditions, be it physical or mental that could have been avoided.
Various professionals from different fields came together to discuss the topic, “Media and mental health with regard to the pandemic” through an online forum.
Given below are some of the ways you can use media in the right way to ensure that the health of you and your family are protected.
1. It is important to ensure you seek right information from authentic sources. Some of them are given below : 
  by All India Radio that provides news and updates regularly from all over India.  
- World health organization  

 Indian website for Covid-19 

live Statistics for covid-19

2. it is easy to fall deep into the ocean that is media. It would be better if you can minimise the usage. Update yourself with the progress of the situation but don’t use it excessively. Allot certain time, maybe twice a day to check the news.

3. We get a lot of information from varied media platforms. Quantity over quality seems to be the mantra that is followed. But following and understanding every piece of information would be unrealistic. The information that you get may not always be the right ones. Identify credible sources and try to stick to a select few that you trust gives you the right information. Don’t be an excessive content consumer.

4. It is always better to ensure that the information that you get is authentic and reliable. Identify the source and cross-check with other credible sources to ensure that you got the right information, if you are not sure of the authenticity , break the chain, do not share the information. 

5. Use media in a more positive manner and that includes not following negative news exclusively. It will only cause you anxiety and fear. Make a choice to follow news articles that provides a larger picture and helps you to prepare and be more hopeful.

6. Learn how to prioritise the information that you get. Not all pieces of information require a similar level of attention and focus. You will only succeed in making yourself more tired and confused.  

7. News articles and social media feeds tend to make everything sound relatable. It is better if you prevent yourself from personalising and attributing everything that you hear to yourself. It will only cause you more fear. Be cautious and aware.

8. Take a break and engage yourself in activities that keep you productive and strengthens relationships. Playing games, watching movies and utilizing YouTube for constructive purposes would be helpful.

9. More than anything, constantly reflect on yourself. Information plays a vital role in how you form attitudes, perception and thinking. It can cause a change in you. However, you need to identify and control those changes. Make sure it doesn’t cause cognitive distortions.

10. It is understandable if you are feeling anxious, stressed or panicky . There is help available. Please  utilize the available resources. Be socially responsible and do not pass on any information that could have any sort of negative impact. 



Ms. Rajini
Undergraduate student of Psychology

Ms. Dimple Melwani (Psychology)

Ms. Abirami (Psychology)

Saturday 28 March 2020

Emotional implications of Pandemic

Date : 29.03.2019 

*Emotional Implications of Pandemic*
 - *_mindzone_*

COVID-19 crisis has put a damper in our moods. As much as we love getting a break from school and work, there is only so much of confinement we can take. The pandemic has had a huge impact in our everyday lives, disrupted our routines, placed restrictions in our social connections, paused all our plans. So, it is inevitable that we all feel a certain level of fear and uncertainty, which is normal. And if that fear leads to panic and frustration, no one can blame us. Everybody has undergone and will undergo a lot of emotional changes, due to the unprecedented global event.

Emotions are a complex affective state that is determined by our perception and understanding of real-life events, memory or even our imagination. Emotions are of many types and they can be both positive and negative. And how each individual feel will differ in how they perceive. It is by its very nature complex and can include a lot of facets and any number of factors, such as political, economic, social, financial etc can affect it.

 According to the studies conducted on emotion, it could be noted that emotion takes various forms such as subjective emotion that involves interpretation, as well as biological, that involves reaction formation. It is expressed through our behaviours and thoughts and this can happen the other way too.
Emotions play an important role in our decision-making skills, judgement and learning. It takes part in our adaptation process. And considering our current predicament, it is important that we manage our emotions effectively to not only to function adaptively but also to avoid long term effects. Emotional intelligence of an individual is considered to play a key role in this situation.

People from all walks of life are affected due to this pandemic. Each one of us is facing problems that threaten our livelihood. Businessman and daily wagers are distressed due to the uncertain conditions of economy and unemployment. Elderly individuals who have other health issues like cardiac ailments are more likely to develop anxiety and emotional conflicts. Individuals who have a lesser sense of self-worth are likely to be more sensitive to the situation and many are prone to develop obsessiveness and other mental health conditions.
Reports around the world draw a picture of increasing violence, abuse and aggressive behaviours among the population after the lockdown was imposed. While this can be attributed to the uncertainty and panic, it will not help us in the long run. It can lead to excessive anxiety, stress, frustration and a lot of other behavioural changes. Social media doesn’t help either. It has made people more sensitive and obsessive in consuming information and applying it in real life. People with existing health issues and mental health problems are most affected. Lack of proper management of emotions can lead to problems in our relationships, change our family dynamics, disrupt our physiological functioning etc.
Basic physiological needs are to be taken care off in the current pandemic situation which is more distressing. So, we must identify the emotional changes and manage it to cope with the pandemic effectively.

Various mental health professionals had come together to discuss on the topic,” Emotional Implications of the pandemic” on an online platform hosted by Mindzone. 

Given below are a few things we can adopt to manage our emotions in a positive and adaptive manner:

1. Acceptance of the event. There are certain things in life we can’t control, nor would we have anticipated it. A pandemic such as this is an example of such scenarios. Denying the event would only harm you and your family.

2. Acceptance of the uncontrollable is the first step. Trying to make active changes in things that are under our control is the next step. Studies have shown that being prepared will help individuals in effectively dealing with a problem. Proactive preparation can reduce fear, increase confidence in our ability to resolve the problem. However, this doesn’t entail panic buying. Your actions should be informed, reasonable and rational.

3. Fear is our strongest and most basic emotions. It helps us in surviving. However, excessive fear can also lead to wrong decisions and disturbances in our emotional, mental and physical state. Don’t feed your fear with wrong information and negative imagination.

4. Humans tend to focus more on negative thoughts and aspects. Make an effort to restructure your thoughts in the right and positive direction. And this would lead to more adaptable, rational and proactive thinking. Avoid overthinking.

5. Take the positive route instead of the negative route. Positive thinking and approach increase our confidence, resilience, problem-solving and emotional coping.

6. Along with positive thinking, change your perception. While this pandemic is a cause for concern, it is not going to be forever. Life will change. Don’t worry, the apocalypse is not any time sooner.

7. Mindfulness strategies could be adopted to enable a better level of coping. Focus on the here and now.

8. Social media is a regular part of our life. Information sharing is easier than it ever was. However, not all the information that we come across is the right news. Information overload will only cause panic and fear that could have been avoided. Update yourself with the right information and don’t become an excessive consumer of all kinds of information.

9. It is easier to think of our doom if we are only left with our thoughts about the pandemic. Occupy yourself. Take initiative in trying something new. Do the things you like to do but never had the opportunity to and be productive.

10. Lockdown is an ideal time to form stronger connections with your family and loved ones. Develop a stronger bond between you and your family members, with open and honest communication. Not only can they offer you support but you can feel positive emotions when you spend time with them.

11. It is a good activity to jot down your thoughts and reflect on them, especially during emotionally disturbing and stressful times such as this. You will be able to manage your emotions in a better way if you have a deeper understanding of yourself and your thoughts and emotions. In essence, self-retrospection. 

12. During a crisis, there is a lot of interference in our daily, habitual routine. We are forced to drop our routine and that can include self-care too. Taking care of your health is important for optimal functioning. Eat a proper diet, exercise should be some of the things you can incorporate in your daily life.

13. Following spiritual practices like yoga and meditation can provide a peaceful state of mind.

14. Take time to empathize with other people. Our community and social space need to be healthy. Try to go beyond yourself.

15. Most of all, be kind to yourself. You are more capable and resilient than you might think. Develop a positive sense of self-worth.


Prepared by 
Ms. Rajini
Undergraduate Psychology Student

Ms. Abirami (Psychology)

Friday 27 March 2020

Nurturing Relationship during pandemic

Nurturing Relationship During Pandemic
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has put a halt in our daily lives and confined us within four walls. During this time, relationships can offer us a huge support and help us function effectively, especially this time of fear and uncertainty. 
Currently, when the entire mankind is facing their biggest crisis, the need for human connection and relationship increases. According to the studies conducted on behaviour, it was observed that in mammals, touch is crucial as it is an important aspect of affiliative behaviours and through that we satisfy our need for connection and bonding.
One of the major changes that occurred as a result of the pandemic is that none of events were under our control and as humans, we crave control and security. We are forced to give up our daily routines and confine ourselves within four walls. This can invariably affect our relationships. Couple related issues/conflicts are likely to increase in this Self-Quarantine period. China's quarantine period has led to similar kind of a situation. But this pandemic also provides as an opportunity and time to nurture these relationships. Crisis has its both advantages and disadvantages
Various mental health professionals participated in the online discussion forum on the topic, “Nurturing Relationship During Pandemic” hosted by Mind zone, Chennai.
There is a need to nurture our relationships into being positive and open, so that it can act as a source of comfort and support. And this can be accomplished in certain ways which were discussed.
1. At times like this, being fearful and frustrated is normal. Pandemic situation creates aggressiveness among individuals as routine gets disturbed. Humans avoid change because it takes time and during the process, it can lead to fear, frustration and anger. The first step in combating this, would be to accept the changes. Accept that there was a change and that we will undergo such changes. Trying to deny and avoid those changes can worsen the situation.
2. Once we have accepted these changes, we need to work towards creating safe space and create a routine. Humans need structure and a semblance of normality to function. 
3. For any relationship to work, there needs to be an open and honest communication that leads to positive changes. People should find ways to express themselves to their partners without developing conflicts and fights.
4. One of the key techniques to nurture positive relationships is to be empathetic. Understand that although two people are in a relationship, they are foremost an individual who have their own differences and ways of living. By being empathetic, you can learn to respect and accept the partner. You will also be able to accommodate those differences instead of compromising your self-identity.
5. A simple four step process to nurture a positive relationship is to follow STAR- support, trust, accept and respect.
6. One of the ways to deal with the pandemic as well as to nurture relationship is to develop positive attitude and adaptive coping skills that emphasis on the positive aspects of life. It is better to avoid dwelling on issues or unresolved problems at this particular time.
7. Developing a positive approach to face the situation. Ex: adopting a spiritual or philosophical kind of an approach.
8. Relationships can be nurtured when both the partners are involved in the process. it is always beneficial when both the people take part in the process and have a common goal. Developing concern for others is essential in this quarantine period.
9. One of the best ways of nurturing relationships is by expressing gratitude and appreciation towards each other. This can be done by writing letters or letting the other person know what you like about them. This will also ensure that the other person feels recognised for their efforts. Creating a habit of this would lead to positive long-term effects in the relationship.
10. Along with expressing appreciation, you can also let go of past regrets and resentment as this can lead to distancing and act as an obstacle in nurturing a positive relationship. Forgiving others and letting the situation to pass on its own, in a way is considered essential.
11. It would be beneficial if all the family members take part in doing chores and sharing responsibilities.
12. In the time of crisis, wrong information or distorted ideas can lead to fear and feelings of insecurity. This can invariably lead to increased levels of fear and anger.  Have the right information, learn to identify credible source and gain useful knowledge. You will be able to create a safe space and state of mind for both your partner and yourself. Be more open and aware of the changes that happened to yourself, your partner and the outside world. in this way, you will also be able prepare yourself.
13. A sense of humour and fun will go a long way in dissipating tension and bring the members closer. Set aside time to play games, utilise this time to make plans for future or a holiday.
14. As much as it is important to be with family and help them, it is also important that you focus on yourself. A little bit of self-love can help in nurturing positive relationships and you can achieve that by overcoming your fears and doubts and reassure yourself.
15. Developing knowledge about self and relationship by asking oneself: how can we manage one's own self and add values to other's life and how can we help friends and families?

In a nutshell, nurturing relationship involves managing self and relationship in a manner that is effective and adds value to the other’s life.

Prepared by 
Ms. Rajini
Undergraduate Psychology Student

MS. Abirami (Psychology)

Loneliness and how to deal with it in the current quarantine situation.

*Date:* 26.03.2020:
*Loneliness and how to deal with it in the current quarantine situation.*
- _Mindzone, online discussion forum._  

_*Perspective on loneliness :*_
Loneliness, just like COVID-19 is a global problem. Although loneliness is a  non-infectious condition. Research suggest that 80% of the human race have experienced loneliness at least once in their lifetime. With the given scenario, there is a considerable increase in this subjective feeling of loneliness. In U.S., 46 percent of people feel lonely.  It might result as a chronic condition another study says Many individuals prefer loneliness, as they feel this is the new “Normal”. Female adolescents who break up with their relationship with their partner are likely to feel more lonely. Chronic loneliness would lead to poor immune system. 60 percent of married individuals suffer from loneliness as they feel disconnected from their partner. Loneliness is considered as a public health problem. Loneliness can be seen in every age group due to the lack of conformity and belongingness. Belongingness is a social need and a necessary need. Every individual is in need of it.  Man is a social Animal, One cannot live in isolation. Human beings are social beings and have the capacity to store 150 person's behavior in the brain at a time. Social connection is essential in forming neural connection. 

Various Mental health professionals  participated in the online discussion forum on the topic of “loneliness and tips to deal with it during the current lockdown scenario” hosted by Mindzone, Chennai. 

Loneliness can be felt even around people, loneliness is not related to being alone and hence it is important to understand that it is an emotional subjective state of mind, it is temporary and one can easily combat loneliness,

Here are 10 simple tips that will help you overcome loneliness, especially in the times of quarantine. 

1. Realise that loneliness is a subjective emotional state of mind, not a Fact. It has nothing to do with your personality or intellect. Remember, *This shall pass too.*

2.   Every time you feel lonely,  Stop . *Breathe and say something Positive to Yourself.*  Loneliness can bring many unwanted negative thought, *Positive self-affirmation* can help feel better and will give you confidence to  fight the demon of loneliness.

3. Discover activities you would *enjoy doing in solitude*, indulge in those activities more than usual within the confide circumstances, remember, Empty mind is a devils workshop, so keep you mind and body happily occupied. 

4. Perception matters!! Look at the scenario in a more *optimistic manner*, you can either term your situation as Loneliness or as Solitude, make the best use of the solitude you are in now. *be your own best friend!!* 

5. *Its Social distancing not social disconnection!!*  Thanks to the technology, we can still stay together and connected from a distance. Utilize the available resources in the best possible manner by joining online forum, classes, learn a new hobby, enhance yourself by using some Me-Time. 

6. Build the Family bond, *United we stand, divided we fall* . Just like you, your family also might be feeling lonely from the inside, understand and be there for each other. Build the chemistry you share with your family, stronger than ever because this is the lime. Indulge in activities together, make a schedule you can all follow. Something as simple as having a meal together and playing an indoor game, including a simple yoga routine or a 10 min meditation routine, watching a movie each day or reading news together. Anything and everything that you and your family could enjoy together to fight loneliness. 

7. If no one understands, a dairy will. *Start journaling your thoughts and behaviours*. Talk to your dairy. It will not only give you a perspective of yourself but also give you an awareness and you will know yourself better. You will also feel like you’ve shared what you feel, a sense of feeling heard and understood.  

8. *Learn a new skill. Be Inquisitive* . Remember, you’re not alone, we all are caged due to the pandemic situation but staying optimistic is the key. Make the best use of your time, learn a unfulfilled skill back from your childhood, because the 21st century gives you enough and more opportunity to virtual classrooms. It could be as simple as drawing, art, music, cooking or tailoring. 

9. *Be nice to yourself* , its not your fault to feel this way. Self-care is your is okay to be Not-okay. It is okay to feel lonely in a room full of people. Stop guilt-tripping yourself, self-doubting or blaming yourself.  Remember, happiness is an inside thing . you are not alone.

10. *Express!* No, don’t still quite and battle the demon of loneliness all alone, express yourself, to others, friends or family, do not hesitate to seek help. Express yourself through any medium you like. Example- talking to someone, drawing and painting, singing, writing or even dancing.


Prepared by
Ms. Dimple melwani (Psychology)

Ms. Abirami (Psychology)
Pondicherry University

Wednesday 25 March 2020

parenting skills during corona pandemic crisis

Date : 25-03-2020
*Conclusive Pointers and suggestions on  parenting tips during quarantine period* 
-  _Mindzone_

1) Development of various qualities/talents of children by spending quality time with the child. 

2) Encouraging children to enroll for online courses/programs.

3) Encouraging the child/children to ponder upon their future plans, especially if the child is appearing for board exams in the coming year.

4) Creating a doable schedule for the child and having maximum participation in it along with the child. 
Note - the schedule must be created along with the child, and should be Practically applicable for the child and the family members. 

5) Parents and children, collaboratively planning activities and carrying it out.

6) Parents are advised to set realistic expectations from the child/children with the given quarentine situation. Expecting the child to study/ reduce screentime/ help at house hold chores will fail and create friction unless done rightly. 
Right way - involve the child in every household activities in a jovial fun and a polite manner. 

7) Use this time to bridge the gap between your family, work on games, boardgames, simple challenges to keep the family together and build the bond stronger with fun. 

8) With the given scenario, mother's/women are at a very stressful situations having to serve every member of the family, in such situations, it is normal for them to react negatively and show irritability. It is hence adviced to work together, involving the child in activities like cooking and baking, watching, sewing,  movies together etc which serves as a stress buster for both the parent and the child. 

9)  It is very well known that it takes a minimum of  21 days to form a habit, use these days of quarentine to start something new, maybe as simple as inculcating reading habit and perform it with your child in a dedicative manner for a minimum period of time per day. 

Note - it works best if the child gets to choose the kind of habit he/she wants to inculcate along with the family members. 

10) Replace screen time with fun physical activities that would help keep the family physically fit. 
Example - jumping ropes, yoga, dancing, simple stretches or even practicing simple meditation. 


Prepared by 
Post graduate student of Psychology
Pondicherry University

Dimple melwani
Post graduate student of Psychology